Thursday, August 1, 2013

Africa + Italy

I can't believe this day has finally come, a long time dream of mine is becoming a reality.
 We're ready to fly to Africa, TONIGHT!
Here's a quick run down of where we'll be the next few weeks...
London: 1 day
Uganda: 14 days
Kenya: 3 days
Italy: 7 days
I'm full of so many mixed emotions right now. 
I'm excited, nervous, anxious and beyond happy we're actually doing this.
Hopefully we'll be able to document our time in Africa and Italy and give updates on the blog.
I'm sure this trip will change me and open my eyes to other parts of the world, I can't wait.
So long New York, we'll see you in a few weeks!!


Sarah, Jordan, and Faye said...

Eeeek yay! Can't wait to read updates! Have fun!

Amanda Kaye said...

I want to see your photos!!!!!!! :) miss you a ton. xoxo