Sunday, January 13, 2013


Over the holiday's Jeff and I spent few days visiting my sweet grandparents in Sedona.
This is one of my very favorite places to be. I've been so many times over the years it's become like a second  home to me. The scenery in Sedona is breathtaking and unlike anything else.

My grandparents are two of the most selfless people I know. 
I'm so grateful to have these two in my life.
Seriously, could their view be any more amazing?
They have the steepest driveway.
 It's kind of a thrill driving down it! feels like I'm on a roller coaster.
One afternoon we hiked around Slide Rock. In the summer this place packed with people in swimsuits sliding down rocks and swimming. It was fun to see how different it is during the winter. 


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures laur!

Sarah Allen said...

Awwww I love Sedona and your grandparents even more!! So fun!

Sarah, Jordan, and Faye said...

My aunt lives there! Love!